Contact & Privacy

To contact me please email

Tel: 07748727063 *new number effective 26/03/2020

What is this Privacy Policy for?
This privacy policy is for this website and people attending Yoga classes

The information I use and where I get it from
Louise Dennis Yoga holds the email addresses and mobile phone numbers of people that have got in touch to ask about classes or who have filled in a consent form at a yoga class.

I will only use this data to keep you informed of classes, workshops, and events.

I keep your data private and they will not be shared with a third party.

I will never spam you – if at anytime you are no longer comfortable with me processing your data or you do not wish to be contacted, please email “unsubscribe” to

I am happy to update/amend your information at your request.

Data for people that attend my classes (and have provided consent on the health form) are kept for insurance purposes for 7 years and then destroyed.

Data are kept secure and strictly confidential.