The Healthy Back Course

New to 2019! Coming soon! Dates to be announced.

Back pain is a very common problem, and 85% of people who report back pain to a doctor do not have a specific diagnosis. They may be told that they have ‘non-specific back pain’, a muscular’ or ‘mechanical problem’ or a sprain. Sometimes aches and pains can last for quite a long time, but it doesn’t mean that they are serious. Research has shown yoga to be a safe and helpful way to manage back pain. This programme has been designed by Yoga teachers, physiotherapists, osteopath and doctors.


Each one-hour class contains:

  • Activations: gently warm up the body
  • Dru Yoga flow sequences
  • Stretching and strengthening
  • Spinal relaxation

The programme aims to give you the confidence and tools to:

  • self-manage and reduce back pain
  • strengthen the core muscles
  • improve balance
  • help you to move more freely

There are three levels you will progress though as you stretch and strengthen your back. Everyone is different and it is normal to progress at a different rate with some of the exercises.  You will be guided as to which level you will work at during each class and provided with individual modifications to enable you to gain the most out of every class . To get the most benefit from the program you will be asked to do some home practice at least three times a week in between classes. You will receive a home practice sheet and asked to practice 3 exercises of your choice from it.