
“Positive Health”   

“Positive Wellbeing”    

“Positively Dru!”



Dru Yoga is a graceful and potent form of yoga, based on soft flowing movements, controlled directed breathing and visualisation.

Dru means ‘still point’, it is the refuge we all seek where we can be free from the stresses and strains of our modern world.

With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition, it works on body, mind and spirit-improving strength and flexibility, creating core stability, building a heightened feeling of positivity, and rejuvenating your whole being.

The aim of Dru Yoga is simple, to help relieve the enormous stresses and pressures of modern-day living.  It is designed to be practised by people of all abilities, all fitness levels and all age groups, it is a style of yoga that can be quickly dipped into or learnt in more depth over a lifetime. For more information about Dru Yoga click here:  https://druyoga.com/

About Louise

My love of yoga began in 2006 when I started practicing Hatha yoga to compliment my busy lifestyle working as a nurse and participating in competitive sporting activities.  Following a serious illness in 2011, I struggled to recover and in 2013 was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME (CFS/ME).  Yoga practice became an important part of my rehabilitation and I found that with daily practice I was able to start to manage my  recovery and symptoms better. During this time I discovered Dru Yoga and combined with my regular Hatha Yoga class, I started to feel more energetic, relaxed, focused and was hooked!  I have personally experienced  the healing benefits of yoga and  was inspired  to train as a Dru Yoga Teacher at the International Dru Yoga Center based in Snowdonia, North Wales.   I want to share the wonders of Dru Yoga with others and am particularity interested in yoga for CFS/ME,  in the workplace, for sport and  for general health and well-being.

Dru Breath Coach.

I have trained as a Dru Breath Coach and incorporate breathwork into my classes.  Breathwork is simple, safe, and effective, making it suitable for individuals of any age and health status. This allows for easy adoption of the practice as a long-term tool for overall well-being. Breathing correctly enable you to use different breathing techniques made up of  energizing, balancing, and relaxing breaths to help manage the nervous system and improve your health and well-being.

Yoga and Meditation to support  Long Covid Recovery

Yogic breathing exercises, stretching, relaxation and meditation are recommended as being part of the long covid recovery tool kit. Practice can help calm and support the body and mind during this time of healing. It is a lovely was to help establish ‘effective’ rest and sleep patterns. Please visit my CFS and Yoga page for more information and for free online classes designed for those with long covid to aid recovery.

Healthy Back Course

I have undertaken a Post-graduate qualification in Caring for the Back and will be running six week ‘Healthy Back’ course’s through out the year. The programme aims to give you the confidence and tools to:

  1. self-manage and reduce back pain
  2. strengthen the core & gluteal muscles
  3. improve balance
  4. help you to move more freely


“Thank you for bringing yoga into my life. I have been to classes before and found them to be intimidating. Your class however has been lovely and allowed yoga to become an essential element of my well-being”. Sarah, Witney

“I found attending the back care course really beneficial, it came along
just at the right time! Not one to usually suffer with a bad back I felt
ill equipped on how to manage it. However the class enabled me to focus on
the most beneficial stretches and exercises for back strengthening.
I was able to progress at my own pace and provided with helpful handouts to do exercises as homework. These handouts will also be useful to refer back to should I need them  again! Louise is a great teacher and I’m sure this 6 week course really helped my back pain to improve.” Alison, Witney

“After a few months, with just one hour a week I have experienced benefits to my respiratory condition and have reduced my medication. The sessions are full of fun and relaxing – I have particularly enjoyed the outdoors”. Stella, Oxford.

“Louise is a relaxed and extremely proficient teacher: she is always aware of each member of her class and their capabilities and will adjust positions to suit.  She is also friendly, approachable and has superb timing in her lessons. I can highly recommend her.”  Jacquie, Eynsham.

“Louise’s yoga sessions are relaxed and supportive. She is able to encourage people to take part in the session at a level appropriate to their ability and how they feel on the day. Louise provides a nurturing environment in which yoga can be enjoyed and where we can improve and gain confidence in trying new postures. ”  Helen,  Eynsham .

“Thank you so much for last night – 5 hours in the car the other day had left me with a very stiff back for 3 days – now all gone thanks to an hour with you!” Eleanor, Eynsham

“I have found the Back Exercise Course very helpful as I can use them when I am gardening. When I have a break I lie down on the floor and do the knees bent and the Maltese cross . I do some of the other exercises when I have finished gardening for the day.”  Evelyn, Farmoor

“I am going through a very stressful time at the moment and I have found Louise’s classes very enjoyable and relaxing. I have trouble with my back and find that the exercises have been very helpful especially the ones that stretch the lower back muscles”. Carol, Farmoor

Classes & Courses


For further information email: louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk

Please read safety policy disclaimer prior to any online or pre-recorded class participation with Louise Dennis Yoga

Your safety is important to me.
Please practise the Zoom live classes, any recorded audio or video classes on this site, supplied by Louise Dennis Yoga or on Louise Dennis Yoga YouTube Channel  with care and caution.
Not all exercise is suitable for everyone.
The content on this site is provided for general information only.
It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on this site.
Although I make reasonable efforts to update the information on this site, I make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on this site is accurate, complete or up to date.
If you have any doubt, please consult your doctor and if you feel any pain, discomfort or dizziness, please do not continue until you have sought medical advice.
Any health information on this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not in any way intended or implied to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care.
Beginning any significant treatment with drugs, supplements or other interventions that may impact physiology or making changes to an established regimen should be discussed with the patient’s physician and health care practitioner.
The information on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice.
I do not accept any responsibility in connection with the use of the information in individual cases.
Any practices and suggestions contained on this site are undertaken at the viewer’s sole discretion and risk. If you have doubts about the sustainability of the exercises, please consult a doctor

Please listen to this short Safety Advice Recording prior to class participation or viewing a recording by Louise Dennis Yoga:

Yoga for fatigue: Please visit my CFS and Yoga page for information and videos:

  • Introduction to Long Haul Recovery Yoga
  • Class 1 Breathing, Dynamic Relaxation and Guided Relaxation

March 2020: All  face to face classes suspended until further notice.

 ‘Healthy Back Course’

Next course TBC

Back pain is a very common problem, and 85% of people who report back pain to a doctor do not have a specific diagnosis. They may be told that they have ‘non-specific back pain’, a muscular’ or ‘mechanical problem’ or a sprain. Sometimes aches and pains can last for quite a long time, but it doesn’t mean that they are serious. Research has shown yoga to be a safe and helpful way to manage back pain. This programme has been designed by Yoga teachers, physiotherapists, osteopaths and doctors.

Six Class Course: £72.00

Each 90 minute class contains:

  • Activations: gently warm up the body
  • Dru Yoga flow sequences
  • Stretching and strengthening
  • Spinal relaxation

The programme aims to give you the confidence and tools to:

  • self-manage and reduce back pain
  • strengthen the core & gluteal muscles
  • improve balance
  • help you to move more freely

There are three levels you will progress though as you stretch and strengthen your back. Everyone is different and it is normal to progress at a different rate with some of the exercises.

You will be guided as to which level you will work at during each class and provided with individual modifications to enable you to gain the most out of every class . To get the most benefit from the program you will be asked to do some home practice at least three times a week.  You will receive a home practice sheet and asked to practice 3 exercises of your choice from it and access to online video of class warm up, flow sequences and guided relaxation.

To book a place or for more information please email: louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk

Mondays: Dru Yoga Class 18.15-19.15 No longer running.

Venue: http://www.theyogaroom-witney.co.uk/

This class is following on from the Healthy Back Course and is suitable for beginners and those with CFS/ME.

Mondays: Dru Yoga Class 19.30-20.30 No longer running

Venue: The Yoga Room, Witney

This  class is both energetic and gentle! Suitable for adults with experience of yoga.  The class focuses on mobilizing the spine and joints using sequences unique to Dru Yoga.

* This class is now full, please do enquire as spaces do become available from time to time.

Advance booking essential: Email: louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk

Tuesdays:  Yoga in the Workplace  13.00-14.00 no longer running

Venue: Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism. Staff only. Main lecture theatre or local nature reserve, weather dependant.

Tuesdays: Movement, Stretching and Relaxation Class 19.00-20.00 no longer running

Venue: The Tolkien Room, St Peter’s Church, Eynsham. OX29 4HS

A lovely class for adults of all ages and mixed abilities. This class focuses on  spine and joint mobility, gently strengthening and stretching muscles.  Deep relaxation and breathing techniques which help you to feel calmer and more relaxed.   Postures can be modified to suit the individual and some can be performed seated. Suitable for CFS/ME.

* Weather permitting part of the class is held outside in the garden during the warm summer evenings.

* This class is now full, please do enquire as spaces do become available from time to time.

Advance booking essential: Email: louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk

*Weather permitting part of the class is  held outside in the garden during the warm spring and summer afternoons

Friday: Movement, Stretching and Relaxation for CFS/ME 10.00-11.00 no longer running

Venue: Tolkien Room, St Peter’s Church, Eynsham. OX29 4HS

Class designed for those with CFS/ME, lying and seated gentle movement and stretching.  Classes include  breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques. This is my most gentlest class and a good starting point to learn yoga at a relaxed and slow place, in a safe and supportive environment.

Friday: Movement, Stretching and Relaxation 11.00-12.00 no longer running

Venue: Tolkien Room, St Peter’s Church, Eynsham. OX29 4HS

Lovely gentle class suitable for adults of all ages and is mixed ability  The class focuses on mobilizing the spine and joints using sequences unique to Dru Yoga, these can be modified to suit the individual.

* Weather permitting part of these classes are held outside in the garden

*Please email: louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk  to book a place.

One-2-One sessions available: Ideal if you are just starting exercise again,  are anxious about  joining a class, or have CFS/ME .

Gift Vouchers: treat a loved one to a gift of a yoga class, a six week course or One-2-One private session (terms and conditions apply).

Yoga and Nutrition Blog

Louise’s Low Oxalate Kitchen: Red Pepper, Broccoli & Butterbean Salad

Vegan and Gluten Free. Total Oxalate approx. 40mg Serves 2 as a main, 4 as a side dish Ingredients: 3 Red sweet peppers 1 packet tender stem broccoli 1 tin butter beans Oliver oil Pinch salt 2 crushed garlic cloves Crushed dried chilli (optional) Squeeze of lemon juice (optional) Method: Place whole peppers on a …

Contact & Privacy

To contact me please email louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk

Tel: 07748727063 *new number effective 26/03/2020

What is this Privacy Policy for?
This privacy policy is for this website www.louisedennisyoga.co.uk and people attending Yoga classes

The information I use and where I get it from
Louise Dennis Yoga holds the email addresses and mobile phone numbers of people that have got in touch to ask about classes or who have filled in a consent form at a yoga class.

I will only use this data to keep you informed of classes, workshops, and events.

I keep your data private and they will not be shared with a third party.

I will never spam you – if at anytime you are no longer comfortable with me processing your data or you do not wish to be contacted, please email “unsubscribe” to louise@louisedennisyoga.co.uk

I am happy to update/amend your information at your request.

Data for people that attend my classes (and have provided consent on the health form) are kept for insurance purposes for 7 years and then destroyed.

Data are kept secure and strictly confidential.